Sunday, March 8, 2009

Home again, home again, jiggity jig!

6 months on the road, and barely gone. Italy, Egypt, South Africa, Botswana, Zimbabwe, Thailand, Malaysia and Cambodia…. Whew!

Of the thorough-bred wanderer’s idiosyncratic ways, Sir Richard Burton wrote ~

After a long and toilsome march, weary of the way, he drops into the nearest place of rest to become the most domestic of men. For a while he smokes the ‘pipe of permanence’ with an infinite zest; he delights in various siestas during the day, relishing withal deep sleep during the dark hours; he enjoys dining at a fixed dinner hour…

And true to his description, we have snuggled in to our little love loft here in Girdwood, Alaska. Our greatest pleasure is just staying home, knitting, writing, reading, and watching the snowflakes bump off the fir trees.